Category: Updates

  • Snovej Circle 4

    Snovej Circle 4

    Where did a week go again? Time flies when you’re having fun. That’s unfair actually. I want more time to have fun … Among the stuff Charlotte brought from her storage we found this old Santa decoration. I made him some 15 years ago. He’s fun to make …

  • Clothing Bathing Belle

    Clothing Bathing Belle

      Photo by Emma Warley   Yesterday the Bathing Belle statue in Scarborough, England, got a new look! A local crochet artist calling herself Higgle decided Belle needed a fun make-over.

  • Snovej Circle 3

    Snovej Circle 3

      During Thanksgiving Charlotte and Lueck drove all the way to Oregon (that’s over 1600 miles one way!) to fetch their things from a storage. Among the things were some of my things too, and some that I had given Charlotte. We had so much fun going through all that! It almost felt like Christmas!

  • Snovej Circle 2

    Snovej Circle 2

    The first week of Snovej Circle activities already went by! Time flies when you’re having fun! Our facebook group has grown to 41 members in the first week. There’s already several crafts to gawk over, and fun discussions to take part in.

  • Preparing for Christmas

    Preparing for Christmas

      I’m taking a break from knitting a Christmas stocking in winter wonderland of southwest Minnesota. The snow and the cold, and the warm feeling of the soft, chunky, red wool yarn, having spent the day making ornaments, and Jingle Bells playing in my mind, as well as now sipping on a cup of hot…

  • Introducing The Snovej Circle!

    Introducing The Snovej Circle!

      A group of likeminded people is the best support a crafter can have! I’ve been a member of many such groups, but due to my travels I cannot attend the meetings as often as I’d like. I miss my “knitting ladies”! Therefore, I’ve decided to start a new circle. Right here on my blog! I’m…

  • DIY Fresh Flower Heart Wreath

    DIY Fresh Flower Heart Wreath

    My husband has created small meadows in our garden by leaving some of our lawn unmowed. It’s good for the bees and butterflies, and it’s so pretty too! And no weeding needed … Today I admired all the pretty wild flowers, and got inspired to pick some. My busy crafter’s fingers started playing with them,…

  • Chocolate Rocky Mountain Cake

    My daughter asked me to bake a cake for her husband’s birthday party last week. She had decided to have a surprise garden party for him at a small community hall/museum close to her home here in Finland. The theme for the party was America. Appropriate since it was held just one day after 4th…

  • Freeform CAL by Dada Neon

    Freeform CAL by Dada Neon

      I have a day off! I can do anything I want. Wow! My husband went to Estonia and I’m home alone! It’s the last day of the long Midsummer weekend here in Finland. (Yes, I’m in Finland again. For the summer.) After taking a quick glance at my various projects, writings, photo editings and…

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    Mother’s Day is just around the corner! Not that we celebrate it much in my family!

  • Crochet Chicken Pattern

    Crochet Chicken Pattern

    Here’s a cute chick pattern I made up last night as a last minute decoration for our Easter table. It’s fast and fun to make. Just three rounds!

  • Spring Twigs

    Spring Twigs

    Take a walk into nature and bring home a bunch of twigs or branches! Any branches will do. From deciduous trees, bushes, or shrubs! My favorites are birch trees, apple trees, and branches of wild blueberry plants. Place them in a container with water. In a few days they will sprout sweet, new leaves! Branches…