Category: Crochet

  • Small Granny Square Heart

    Small Granny Square Heart

    Granny Heart This is my favorite granny heart! It’s an old pattern that I learned to make as a child. In the more conventional granny heart the arches are made in the chain spaces between the double crochet clusters. This one has them higher up, making the heart taller. See photo for comparison:

  • Huovutettu Kierresydän

    Huovutettu Kierresydän

      Suomenkielisen käännöksen Crochet Felted Swirly Heart, eli Virkattu Huovutettu Kierresydän, ohjeeseeni löytyy Junskun blogista: Junskun Vinkeet Väkerrykset Alkuperäinen, englanninkielinen, ohje: Crochet Felted Swirly Heart

  • Crochet Ball & Chain

    Crochet Ball & Chain

    Crochet Ball & Chain Pattern For Halloween we made a huge ghost. He was in a desperate need of a proper chain and ball to scare folks with. In order for him to carry it, it had to be of a lighter kind. So I crocheted it!

  • Freeform Fingerless Gloves Tutorial by Higgle

    Freeform Fingerless Gloves Tutorial by Higgle

    Higgle has made her first ever written pattern and photo tutorial! She decided to share it for free here on the Snovej blog as a way to give thanks for the support and cheers she has received, or in her words; “a little gift to the wonderful friends and online crochet community, that inspire, teach,…

  • Crochet Coiled Basket by Donna Walker

    Crochet Coiled Basket by Donna Walker

      It’s my pleasure to introduce my first guest blogger, Donna Walker. Donna has made some incredibly fun baskets by crocheting around bulky cords. When she showed a photo of the first one in the Snovej Circle, we went almost nuts! Several members have now tried their hands at this technique and Donna decided to…

  • Crochet Peace Sign Pattern

    Crochet Peace Sign Pattern

    For the 50 Years of Flower Power project by Prudence Mapstone I crocheted a peace sign. It’s made around a 7 inch metal ring. I got requests for the pattern, so here it is …

  • Snovej Circle 2/2015: Hearts to make!

    Snovej Circle 2/2015: Hearts to make!

    As I follow the statistics for my online work I noticed a big increase of views and likes of my heart patterns. That’s a clear sign that Valentine’s Day is coming up. But what I found interesting about this is that the big jump happened on Christmas Day! Really?

  • Snovej Circle 1/2015: Copycats!

    Snovej Circle 1/2015: Copycats!

    Today I was going to just whine about my laptop being broken. Then something funny (NOT!) happened …

  • Snovej Snowflake Pattern

    Snovej Snowflake Pattern

    This year I crocheted lots of snowflakes. They all turned out a little different, but this pattern is my favorite. I like the snowflake-like effect of the triple trefoils, as well as how easy and fast these are made. Only three rounds!

  • Clothing Bathing Belle

    Clothing Bathing Belle

      Photo by Emma Warley   Yesterday the Bathing Belle statue in Scarborough, England, got a new look! A local crochet artist calling herself Higgle decided Belle needed a fun make-over.

  • Dada Neon CAL Part 3 Bobble Fringe

    Dada Neon CAL Part 3 Bobble Fringe

    Bobble Fringe Pattern I like pillows with some kind of an edge around them. For this Dada Neon CAL pillow I wanted to make a crocheted fringe of sorts. I had a few ideas to choose from, and finally I decided to make crocheted pom poms with the Bobble Stitch!

  • Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet

    Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet

    Recently I visited a friend in Maine and crocheted a seat cover for her chair. A photo of the cover went viral after I posted it on social media, and demands, well, more like “pretty, please” requests, poured in …