Category: Crochet

  • Dada Neon CAL Part 2

    Dada Neon CAL Part 2

    My Dada Neon CAL project is finally almost done! It took me much longer than I had thought due to a very busy summer working for our condiment business.

  • Freeform Crochet: Single Crochet Spiral

    Freeform Crochet: Single Crochet Spiral

    In my post Freeform Crochet Basics Part 4 I mention the single crochet spiral. It is so easy to make, it didn’t even occur to me to talk about it until a reader asked about it …

  • Freeform CAL by Dada Neon

    Freeform CAL by Dada Neon

      I have a day off! I can do anything I want. Wow! My husband went to Estonia and I’m home alone! It’s the last day of the long Midsummer weekend here in Finland. (Yes, I’m in Finland again. For the summer.) After taking a quick glance at my various projects, writings, photo editings and…

  • Crochet Chicken Pattern

    Crochet Chicken Pattern

    Here’s a cute chick pattern I made up last night as a last minute decoration for our Easter table. It’s fast and fun to make. Just three rounds!

  • Spring Twigs

    Spring Twigs

    Take a walk into nature and bring home a bunch of twigs or branches! Any branches will do. From deciduous trees, bushes, or shrubs! My favorites are birch trees, apple trees, and branches of wild blueberry plants. Place them in a container with water. In a few days they will sprout sweet, new leaves! Branches…

  • Freeform Crochet Spiral Scrumble

    Freeform Crochet Spiral Scrumble

    For Thanksgiving last year I posted a photo of a scrumble I had been working on. Having thoughts of gratitude, harvest, and other related things, I realized my scrumble looked like a funky turkey head! The scrumble is made using my two color spiral pattern, a “wing” pattern, and ridges made with reverse single crochet,…

  • Crochet Felted Swirly Heart

    Crochet Felted Swirly Heart

    Last year I made felted heart pins of pretty purple yarns. Since then I’ve had requests for the pattern. I’m a bit slow sometimes, but now it’s finally done! The heart pattern is based on my spiral pattern that you can see here. In this heart I’ve used front post stitches to accentuate the spiral,…

  • Yarn Bomb Flowers

    Yarn Bomb Flowers

    A fellow crocheter and her friends are planning to yarn bomb a new fence in their neighborhood. For this project they need a lot of crocheted flowers. I had a few stashed away and decided to mail them. My contribution wasn’t going to help much, so I made more. But the flowers are so small,…

  • Dino Mössa / Myssy

    Dino Mössa / Myssy

    Click here for the English version of this pattern.

  • Crochet Ornaments

    Crochet Ornaments

    Free the bauble! After making a dozen of the sweet, traditional, crocheted Christmas balls, my mind refused to follow the patterns. My plan was to create a pattern for a big ball in the traditional style. It just didn’t happen. I freeformed it instead.

  • Giving Thanks

    Giving Thanks

    Thank you!

  • Granny Square Shrug

    Granny Square Shrug

    Three and a half odd skeins of different purple yarns. What to do? I wanted to use them to make something for myself because I love the colors, but I didn’t have enough for any bigger project. A novel idea in itself! I don’t even know when I last made something for myself … (Oh, last…