Crochet Chicken Pattern

Here’s a cute chick pattern I made up last night as a last minute decoration for our Easter table. It’s fast and fun to make. Just three rounds!

Crochet Chick

(This pattern is translated to Swedish and Finnish. Mönster på svenska/Ohje suomeksi)

Round 1: Magic Circle, CH (chain) 3, 15 DC (double crochet, UK treble) into ring, join with a SL ST (slip stitch) in third chain.

Round 2: CH 3, DC in same, make “eye” and “neck stem”: CH 6, SL ST in 5th and 6th chain from hook, SL St also in top of dc.

2 DC in each next 10 sts (stitches).

Make tail: CH 3, SL ST in 3rd chain from hook, 2 SC (single crochet, UK double crochet) around post of last dc.

Round 3: SC in next five sts, 2 SC around next dc post, DC in “neck stem”, 8 DC into four chain ring (the “eye”).

Make the “beak”: CH 3, SL ST in first ch.

3 DC into ring, skip two st, SC in next 8 sts.

Make a leg: CH 6, SL ST in second chain from hook, SL ST in next, CH 3, SL ST in second chain from hook, SL ST in next, CH 3, SL ST in second chain from hook, SL ST in next. SL ST in same stitch as the first sl st. SL ST up the leg, SL ST in sc.

SC in next st, make another leg.

SC in next 9 sts, 2 SC in next, SC in “tail”, SL ST in tip of “tail”. Fasten off.

Weave in ends. Moisten, then fix the shape and let dry.

Use the chick as an applique, or add a hanger and use it as an ornament.

Yesterday I saw the first dandelion! Amazing, considering we had a snowstorm just a few days ago here in southwestern Minnesota.

Before you know it you’ll have dandelions everywhere. Be ready to enjoy their beauty, and to make all the goodies you can make of them: dandelion jelly, syrup, or even wine. For a more immediate gratification, eat the fresh new leaves in your salad, on a sandwich, or eat the flowers! My recipe for deep fried dandelion flowers is here. Why not make a dandelion wreath too!

The other goodie to look for now are the new growth tips on spruce trees, as well as on Douglas Firs, and make a refreshing mead drink.

For more spring ideas, check out Spring Twigs and my Spring board on Pinterest!

UPDATE! I have created another board for DIY spring crafts!

Happy spring crafting!


~ Marina


15 responses to “Crochet Chicken Pattern”

  1. Tiza Avatar


  2. Iris Avatar

    I think this is great

  3. Sofia Avatar

    Very nice! Have a question and since you sak you speak swedish as well i will ask in swedish 🙂
    Jag har svårt att förstå vad som menas med “dc post” vilken del av maskan är “post” och jag undrar även vilken maska eller del av virkningen som menas med “neck stem”.
    Tack för mönstret!

    1. Marina Avatar

      “dc post” är stammen av stolpen, dvs den långa vertikala delen. “neck stem” är inte en virkiningsterm utan nackdelen av kycklingen. I varv 2 gör du basen till nacken och ögat genom att virka en ögla av 6 luftmaskor.

  4. seniorcrafter Avatar

    I am 1/3 Swedish speak only English. Love Swedish Embroidery. Grandmother (Irish) showed me, allways interested in my Ancesters) Thank you love your crocheting.

  5. Veronica Avatar

    Tisane hi I noticed in your comments that your granny came from Ireland Im from the west of Ireland your chicken is so sweet do you have any more appliqués? My granddaughter lives me making “things”for her xx

  6. […] 10. Crochet chick decoration by Snovej. […]

  7. Tammy Avatar

    Totally awesome cute! Thank you so much for sharing your talent – I can’t wait to try it!

  8. Breda Connell Avatar
    Breda Connell

    I made some for my sisters playgroup…the are amazing thanks for sharing

  9. Päppi Avatar

    Saisiko tämän Kanasen ohjeen suomeksi? On niin ihana, mutta minä olen vasta aloitteleva virka-ajan niin olisi helpompaa tehdä.

    1. Marina Avatar

      Yritän! =)

  10. […] Pikavirkkaus palmusunnuntain kunniaksi. Aika ruma tuli tästä meikäläisen versiosta. Ohje löytyy täältä. […]

  11. Stasia Avatar

    Wonderful pattern! Thank you very much!

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