Category: Uncategorized
Virkad Kyckling – Virkattu Kananpoika
En liten söt kyckling, virkad i bara tre varv! Pieni söpö kananpoika, virkattu ainoastaan kolmella kerroksella! The English version of the pattern is here! Crochet Chick free pattern
Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet
Recently I visited a friend in Maine and crocheted a seat cover for her chair. A photo of the cover went viral after I posted it on social media, and demands, well, more like “pretty, please” requests, poured in …
Crochet Chicken Pattern
Here’s a cute chick pattern I made up last night as a last minute decoration for our Easter table. It’s fast and fun to make. Just three rounds!
Giving Thanks
Thank you!
Shamrocks and Soda Bread
I’ve never tasted Irish Soda Bread until a few days back. There was a tasting at my local natural foods store, I tasted it and I liked it! The first thing I did coming home was to do some research into its history and to find a recipe similar to the one I had tasted.…
Oh, Christmas Tree …
Here’s an idea for a cute, easy and fast last minute Christmas decoration. Hang it in your tree or use it as a name tag or make a bunch for a garland or mobile. This is how to do it: You need a round piece of paper. Any size will work. Easiest way to do…