Category: Uncategorized

  • Virkad Kyckling – Virkattu Kananpoika

    Virkad Kyckling – Virkattu Kananpoika

    En liten söt kyckling, virkad i bara tre varv!  Pieni söpö kananpoika, virkattu ainoastaan kolmella kerroksella! The English version of the pattern is here! Crochet Chick free pattern

  • Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet

    Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet

    Recently I visited a friend in Maine and crocheted a seat cover for her chair. A photo of the cover went viral after I posted it on social media, and demands, well, more like “pretty, please” requests, poured in …

  • Crochet Chicken Pattern

    Crochet Chicken Pattern

    Here’s a cute chick pattern I made up last night as a last minute decoration for our Easter table. It’s fast and fun to make. Just three rounds!

  • Giving Thanks

    Giving Thanks

    Thank you!

  • Shamrocks and Soda Bread

    Shamrocks and Soda Bread

    I’ve never tasted Irish Soda Bread until a few days back. There was a tasting at my local natural foods store, I tasted it and I liked it! The first thing I did coming home was to do some research into its history and to find a recipe similar to the one I had tasted.…

  • Oh, Christmas Tree …

    Oh, Christmas Tree …

    Here’s an idea for a cute, easy and fast last minute Christmas decoration. Hang it in your tree or use it as a name tag or make a bunch for a garland or mobile. This is how to do it: You need a round piece of paper. Any size will work. Easiest way to do…