Category: Updates

  • School House

    School House

    I have great news, and as a crafter I’m thrilled beyond words! Kal and I have acquired a school house!

  • Snovej Circle 8/2015: Chaos and Peace!

    Snovej Circle 8/2015: Chaos and Peace!

    There’s still time to make and mail a crocheted piece for Prudence Mapstone’s 50 Years Of Flower Power project in Australia. The piece needs to be mailed latest on March 8th! This project is very exciting with crocheter from all over the world sending in contributions. Prudence is writing about every piece, and she’s painstakingly…

  • Snovej Circle 7/2015: Craft Fair

    Snovej Circle 7/2015: Craft Fair

      Kal surprised me a while back by buying us tickets on a Valentine’s Day cruise from Helsinki to Stockholm. That was not such a surprise though. We have been on many such cruises to both Stockholm and Tallinn. The big surprise was tickets to a craft fair that was held that same weekend in…

  • Snovej Circle 6/2015: East to east

    Snovej Circle 6/2015: East to east

        Jetlaggged! Seriously jetlagged! That’s what happens when you travel eastward. Last week I said goodbye to my family, and the palm trees and sunshine in Florida, and traveled east to my family, and a white winter wonderland, in Finland. And to my craft room with its awesome stash!

  • Snovej Circle 5/2015: Pinterest Guide

    Snovej Circle 5/2015: Pinterest Guide

    This past week I’ve been updating my Pinterest boards. Since I have too many interests in too many things, my boards had become pretty messed up. Mostly I wanted all the craft boards to be separated from my personal boards …

  • Snovej Circle 4/2015: Valentine’s Day Ideas

    Snovej Circle 4/2015: Valentine’s Day Ideas

      Valentine’s Day has been on my mind lately. Not that I normally make any big deal of it. Maybe I just feel the love in the air! Anyway, I’ve spent some time looking for ideas and here are a few of my favorites …

  • Snovej Circle 3/2015: Photography for Crafters

    Snovej Circle 3/2015: Photography for Crafters

      In online sharing, a strong, sharp photo is important! It will draw attention to your work! As a blogger and a writer of photo tutorials, I’ve had to learn to take good photos. I’m still learning and still finding new ways to use my camera. I’m also an administrator of two groups on Facebook:…

  • Snovej Circle 2/2015: Hearts to make!

    Snovej Circle 2/2015: Hearts to make!

    As I follow the statistics for my online work I noticed a big increase of views and likes of my heart patterns. That’s a clear sign that Valentine’s Day is coming up. But what I found interesting about this is that the big jump happened on Christmas Day! Really?

  • Snovej Circle 1/2015: Copycats!

    Snovej Circle 1/2015: Copycats!

    Today I was going to just whine about my laptop being broken. Then something funny (NOT!) happened …

  • Snovej Circle 7: Happy 2015!

    Snovej Circle 7: Happy 2015!

      Happy New Year! Christmas was fun and I must have been nice since I got some awesome presents! The cutest of them are a pair of earrings made from upcycled jeans …

  • Snovej Circle 6: Merry Christmas!

    Snovej Circle 6: Merry Christmas!

      Christmas in Finland is somewhat different from Christmas in America. To begin with, Christmas consists of three days, Christmas Eve, December 24th, being the Big Event. All children in Finland know that Santa lives up in Lapland, just north of the Polar Circle. Not on the North Pole. There’s only ice …

  • Snovej Circle 5

    Snovej Circle 5

    This past week I’ve made dozens little crochet snowflakes, as well as handmade Christmas cards. I’m including one snowflake in each card as a little surprise!