Category: Updates
February 28th, 2014
Etsy Treasury The last day of February! Spring equinox only 20 days away. Woot! Longing for summer, traveling to it soon, and searching for nautical inspiration on the net, I ended up making a treasury on Etsy. It “only” took me 4 hours to find the images I liked, but it was worth it. During…
Bulla Sweet Bread
This is my most requested food item. I wrote this recipe a long time ago, but never got to take a photo of any ready made bullas. They disappear too fast! Needless to say my family loves bulla! Bulla is a traditional Finnish sweet bread. The dough can be baked to become a myriad of…
Crochet Felted Swirly Heart
Last year I made felted heart pins of pretty purple yarns. Since then I’ve had requests for the pattern. I’m a bit slow sometimes, but now it’s finally done! The heart pattern is based on my spiral pattern that you can see here. In this heart I’ve used front post stitches to accentuate the spiral,…
Giving Thanks
Thank you!
Homemade With Love
I’m excited! My pattern is featured in Homemade With Love magazine! Issue 6.
It was a busy summer!
Oh my! It’s fall already! Not that you can see or feel it yet. Here in southwestern Minnesota it’s still sunny and warm and the leaves are just starting to change color. But, where did this summer go? When I read my post from May 14th, I realized I didn’t have time to tackle even half…
Instantly Age Wood Part 3
Today I noticed to my horror that my very popular post about instantly aging wood has been without its photos for a long time! I apologize, and am happy to say that all the photos have been reposted! I happened to notice the problem because I needed to check my own tutorial for treating a…
A Perfect Yarn Storm
This past week has gone by way too quickly! I can’t believe it’s Friday already! Last Saturday my newly founded knitting circle made a yarn bomb in our village. The concept of yarn graffiti is pretty unknown in this rural part of the world, but everybody I heard comment on it, loved it. “At least…
Hot Weather and Cool Drinks
It’s been hot here in Finland. Maybe not very hot, but hot enough for me. When it’s above 28-30 degrees Celsius (82-86 F), I normally go hide somewhere cool. I make jokes about going to clean the root cellar … Today there’s been a light breeze. No need to totally hide, but perfect for…
Freeform Crochet World
I’ve been searching for freeform crochet on the internet. There’s a lot out there! Try searching for images, or search on Pinterest and Etsy, and you’ll find lots of beautiful amazing works of art. But I wanted to interact with others. Not finding anything on Facebook, I decided to start a new page there …
Dandelion Wreath and Appetizer!
This week I’ve been collecting dandelions, spruce shoots, stinging nettles and ground elder. My first wild harvest this year! Two years ago I wrote about fried dandelion flowers. Unfortunately I had to remove that recipe because I lost the photos due to unfortunate events. Today I made them again and I remembered to take photos,…
I’m a bag lady
Two homes. That’s what I have now. Two weeks ago I left home and came home to where my Craftroom is. Since I came here I’ve been seriously jet lagged! Up all nights, sleeping at weird times, not even knowing when I was supposed to eat! During this time I’ve been digging in the Craftroom.…