Mohair scarves and fruit salad

Beautiful mohair yarn makes a wonderful, lacy, fuzzy scarf

Some time ago my sister gave me loads of fancy yarns.

She had an exquisite little yarn shop in a small town in Pennsylvania. I loved that shop and all the fine yarns stocked up everywhere. She used to give small knitting gifts to us and even taught my youngest daughter to knit. A few years ago she closed it so that she could stay home with her small children.

We visited her for Thanksgiving and she still had yarns left from the store. Knowing my interest in yarns, my sister offered me some. Some! We ended up loading the trunk of my car with as much as we could fit into it! Thank you, sister!

Ever since then I’ve been knitting and trying out new patterns with these yarns. I made scarves, hats and hand warmers and gave them as presents for Christmas.

But since there is still so much yarn left, I made some scarves for my Etsy shop. The scarves are  knitted from a very soft, high quality mohair yarn from France. The pattern is a variation of the honeycomb pattern that makes an airy lace-like fabric. The result is a very soft and fuzzy cloud of warmth.

While knitting I realized I had all the ingredients for a 5 Cup Salad.

The Minnesota Five Cup Salad on Snovej

It’s a creamy fruit salad I first encountered in Minnesota last spring at my daughter’s in-laws. But I was told it’s not a fruit salad. Nope! It’s a salad! Apparently all mixed foods are called salads in Minnesota … Click the pic to go to the recipe.

It’s rich and fruity and I could eat all five cups of it! Lots of calories though! Uffda! But sometimes it’s just so good to indulge oneself!

~ Marina






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