Tag: free crochet pattern
Freeform Fingerless Gloves Tutorial by Higgle
Higgle has made her first ever written pattern and photo tutorial! She decided to share it for free here on the Snovej blog as a way to give thanks for the support and cheers she has received, or in her words; “a little gift to the wonderful friends and online crochet community, that inspire, teach,…
Spring Twigs
Take a walk into nature and bring home a bunch of twigs or branches! Any branches will do. From deciduous trees, bushes, or shrubs! My favorites are birch trees, apple trees, and branches of wild blueberry plants. Place them in a container with water. In a few days they will sprout sweet, new leaves! Branches…
Yarn Bomb Flowers
A fellow crocheter and her friends are planning to yarn bomb a new fence in their neighborhood. For this project they need a lot of crocheted flowers. I had a few stashed away and decided to mail them. My contribution wasn’t going to help much, so I made more. But the flowers are so small,…