A group of likeminded people is the best support a crafter can have! I’ve been a member of many such groups, but due to my travels I cannot attend the meetings as often as I’d like. I miss my “knitting ladies”! Therefore, I’ve decided to start a new circle. Right here on my blog! I’m calling it The Snovej Circle!
I am part of several online groups for a specific form of craft. By creating The Snovej Circle I intend to create a place for people interested in several kinds of crafts and art. A place to share, to give, and to receive inspiration, know-how, support, and to build fellowship.
More than a year ago I started a group on Facebook called Freeform Crochet World Group. It has become a wonderful place for fellowship. The members come from all over the world to share in this one form of craft. I love to see how the ladies, and a few gentlemen, come together no matter of cultural differences. Not even the language barriers can keep us apart thanks to online translating programs. We jokingly say we speak one mutual language: the language of crochet!
Now let’s speak the language of crafts of all kinds!
To make Snovej Circle into an actual circle for people to interact, I started a new group on Facebook. The Snovej Circle. Do join if you like crafting!
My knitting ladies, in all groups I’ve been part of, of some reason congregate on Tuesdays. Not being able to attend, I nowadays get the Tuesday blues. Therefore, Tuesdays will be the day I “attend” The Snovej Circle here on the blog, by posting about the crafts I’m working on. Every Tuesday. There will be Tuesdays when I won’t be able to make it, just as I always won’t be able to attend a meeting and I apologize beforehand. And just as I wouldn’t be able to go to the meeting on another night, I won’t publish a Circle post on another day. It’ll have to wait to the next Tuesday.
In a way, the Circle posts will be much like my Updates about what’s going on with my crafting. But an Update sounds boring, as would a scheduled update day be. I like to go to meetings to meet friends. So that’s how I’ll see it! And it’ll help me find the time to write a post every week!
A week ago I came to Minnesota. From a “balmy” 50’ish F (10C) degrees in Maine, to a below freezing, snowy winter wonderland. It’s 18F (-8C) right now. Brrrr! I’m staying with my daughter Charlotte, occupying her cozy guest room in the attic, playing with my 2-year-old grandson Lars, and a sweet kitty called Snow.
Right now, Charlotte and I are making Christmas tree ornaments for her organization’s display at a museum. We’re wrapping wooden blocks in brown paper and tying them with red ribbon. We’ve printed and cut out small book cover cards, and made a long chain of old book pages cut into strips and glued into rings. Tomorrow we’ll cut out letters to make glittery letter ornaments. Needless to say, our theme is books and writing. Charlotte works for Literacy Volunteers.
A friend gave me a collection of cute red, black, and gray buttons, seen in the photo on top. These will become something cute. I’ll share a tutorial later. I’m also knitting a Christmas stocking as well as a pair of woolen socks
That’s all for now. See you next Tuesday here on the blog, and every day on Facebook!
~ Marina
P.S. Snow says “hi!”, and she insists she didn’t scatter all the buttons around the floor … (seen in the photo as fuzzy dots in the background)
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