Freeform Crochet World


I’ve been searching for freeform crochet on the internet. There’s a lot out there! Try searching for images, or search on Pinterest and Etsy, and you’ll find lots of beautiful amazing works of art. But I wanted to interact with others. Not finding anything on Facebook, I decided to start a new page there …

Freeform Crochet World!

The purpose of the page is to bring Freeform Crocheters together. To make a place where we can meet, greet, share and brag! Where we can admire each others work, give feedback and support. Where we can laugh or cry together with fellow makers who understand our highest euphoria and our deepest misery …


Realizing that a Facebook page is not the best place for all of us to share our freeform creations and discussions, I created a group page instead.

Freeform Crochet World Group!

The interest in crochet and freeform crochet has increased worldwide as people realize how beautiful, elaborated, mesmerizing, and creative it can be! And it’s practical because it’s also a great way to use up leftover yarns and other bits and pieces.

Freeform crochet is a very creative process. It’s not “just” crochet, it’s ART! One of a kind creations! Near impossible to even write exact patterns for, or to try to duplicate, not even by the maker.

You can of course take any yarn and make any stitches and make a haphazard fabric, and it can turn out splendid. But for the most part, every stitch and every color change requires some creative thinking. And you can even get stuck by “crocheter’s block” … I know, it happens to me all the time!

I hope that the members of the group will share photos of their creations, ask questions as well as reply to others, share links, news and events. Most of all I hope the group can provide inspiration and support to novices like me.

Actually, I’m not such a newbie anymore, but I remember being one … Now I write instructions for others and my emphasis is on making it as clear as possible for a beginner. With lots of photos! Here on the blog I’ve posted three parts of my Freeform Crochet series, and a fourth one will be posted soon …

Introduction and the Bullion Stitch

Part 2, The Spiral

Part 3, The Two Color Spiral

This is an open invitation to everybody interested in the amazing Freeform Crochet to come and join us on the Facebook Page and in the Facebook Group! Let’s make new friends!

This will be so much fun!

~ Marina

P.S. What do you think of my Coral Reef  ring doily, or is it a wreath? =)

Related posts:

– Freeform Crochet Part 1

– Freeform Crochet Basics: The Spiral

– Freeform Crochet Basics: The Two Color Spiral

– Freeform Crochet Basics Part 4

– Freeform Crochet Basics 4b: Bigger Spirals

– Freeform Crochet Basics, Part 5. The Nautilus Shell

– Freeform Crochet Spiral Scrumble

– Freeform Crochet: Single Crochet Spiral

– Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet

More Crochet Patterns:

Snovej Crochet


20 responses to “Freeform Crochet World”

  1. Emery F. Reeves Avatar

    I’m probably the worst person to teach people how to freeform crochet. Or maybe I’m the best? Haha! I say this because I am not an expert crocheter – I honestly have no idea what I’m doing. But I also think that when you’re diving into something with the word “freeform” – you might be better at it when you don’t know what mistakes you’re making. There’s nothing to agonize over. You can work thru everything and with every wonky stitch. So in this Tutorial Tuesday I’m going to celebrate the world of Freeform Crochet. Who knows when freeform crochet started, but the first time I noticed it was when Ana Voog started making her hats around 2002-2003 (within a year of when I also started spinning).

    1. Marina Avatar

      Hi Emery! There are no mistakes in freeform crochet! There are no rules, therefore you can’t break them. You can create anything you want, without worry. Freeform is art. It’s like painting with yarn … =)

  2. forgetmenotsblue Avatar

    Amazing wreath love the colours you’ve used 🙂

    1. Marina Avatar

      Thank you!
      These are beautiful Rowan yarns my sister gave me. Cotton/viscose/silk with one part color, one part off white … very pretty! =)

  3. pauline Avatar

    i have been fascinated with freeform crochet for some time and am so delighted to have found your cite – wonderful instructions – beautiful examples – can’t wait to put together a beautiful seashell wreath – thank you so much for all your wonderful efforts – greatly appreciated

    1. Marina Avatar

      Thank you, Pauline! Have fun with the wreath!

  4. nadia Avatar

    Mille mercis pour ces tutos très bien expliqués et les vidéos données pour apprendre le point de Bullion.. Belle générosité. Ca m’aide beaucoup. Nadia

    1. Marina Avatar

      Merci, Nadia! =)

  5. Donna Walker Avatar

    I think the very first free form crochet was Irish crochet. It incorporates many of the same concepts but war mostly done in white

  6. Miryam De Anda Avatar
    Miryam De Anda

    Me gusta mucho tus trabajos, y quisiera aprender mas sobre free form crochet, muchas gracias de antemano por todas sus atenciones…..saludos y abrazos desde Mexico……..thank u, thank u thank u…..

    1. Marina Avatar

      Welcome to the exciting world of freeform crochet! =)

  7. Maria Eugénia Alvarez Soares Avatar

    Olá, meu nome é Eugénia conhecida por Gena, sou Portuguesa. Tenho andado muito interessada pelo freeform-crochet-world, gostava muito de apreender mas não consigo descobrir onde estão esses dados iniciais. Ainda bem que a encontrei Marina estou certa que vou conseguir, até porque faço mt crochet e amigurumis. Pode ver na facebook no Gen’Arte os meus trabalhos.
    Agradeço a ajuda até à próxima

    1. Marina Avatar

      Olá! Hello!
      Join our group and get the help you need! There’s always somebody in the group with the answers. We’re getting good at advicing people new to trying freeform crochet! =)

  8. caryl Avatar

    Pleasssse…teach me lol…I have been struggling with incentive since my moms death a month ago,saw this on interest this morning and feel some enthusiasm awakening..,please direct me thanks Caryl from Canada

    1. Marina Avatar

      I’m sorry to hear about your mom, and glad you’re finding crochet to help you cope. Crochet is an awesome therapy!
      My suggestion is for you to check out my spiral patterns, the links are after the post, then check out my post about Dada Neon’s CAL (A Crochet Along by Julia) with a link to her site. Her CAL is about crocheting one’s life. You could do that about you and your mom! Many participants have made awesome heartfelt pieces following this CAL, resulting in very personal and beautiful blankets.

      Also, have you joined our Facebook group? Many members, including Julia, have done the CAL and can help you along the way …

      And, check out Snovej Crafts on Pinterest for more ideas!

      ~ Marina

  9. Trisha Avatar

    Thank you so much for starting this page. I have just started researching free form and there is so much here for me to learn from. I don’t have a face book account so this is just perfect for me here. My long term goal is to be able to make my granddaughters a wedding dress so I really need to hurry and learn the techniques so I can begin all the individual aspects and be able to start planning how best to arrange the pieces into a fashion forward gown.

    1. Marina Avatar

      Maybe you should open a Facebook account. Our group has more than 8000 members by now. Many of them are more than willing to answer any questions you might have!
      You can also find a lot of helpful links on my Pinterest boards:
      I love your idea of crocheting a wedding dress! It’ll be amazing and very special! So, hop to it and get going!

  10. Yessica Avatar

    Marina muchas gracias por hacer esos tutoriales para aprender ganchillo libre “freeform crochet”!!! Estoy muy interesada en aprenderlo, en internet solo tu tienes unos tutoriales para comenzar y me sirvieron de mucho. Desde que vi las primeras fotos me enamore del freeform crochet.

    1. Marina Avatar

      ¡De nada!
      Welcome to freeform! There’s no turning back … =D

  11. Siobhan Hawes Avatar
    Siobhan Hawes

    Thank you thank you thank you. I didn’t even know what freeform was I asked a question in one of my facebook groups and I was led to this Facebook group and then I clicked the link for this page. I’m in love and I thank you for taking the time to share wirh us beginners!

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