Crochet Pattern: Baby’s Dino Hat with Cape

Free crochet pattern: Dinosaur hat baby photoshoot prop

Photos of naked babies on sheepskins is sooo yesterday! But of course it had to happen, now that I got real sheepskin for my second grandson Dexter.

Now, all the rage is to use props of various kinds. They can be cute or funky or silly or geeky or anything that catches the parents’ fancy. Often it’s something to show the interests of the parents. Just search for “baby photo props” on Google and you’ll get 5 million hits!

My daughter Maria wanted a dinosaur/dragon outfit for her newborn son’s photo. She asked me to make one in lime green and blue, and showed me a bunch of photos she had found online. Seemed easy enough: it’s just a beanie with an attached cape and a row of dorsal plates.

I happened to have cotton yarn in the requested colors. It’s a bit chunky, but it worked. Here’s how I made it:

Newborn Dino Hat/Cape


Size: 14” hat with a 11” cape
To make the hat a bit smaller/bigger, just add less/more DC on Round 4 evenly distributed.
Gauge: 3DC and 2 rows equal 1” x 1”
Yarn: worsted weight cotton – I used Fantasy Naturale from Plymouth Yarn
Hook: US G or 4 mm – the yarn is for US8 knitting needles

Start with green yarn by making a Magic Circle, CH (Chain) 3
R1    11 DC (double crochet) into ring, join with a SL ST (slip stitch) and pull the ring tight
R2    CH 3, 1DC in same stitch as chain, 2DC into each stitch, join (24DC)
R3    CH3, *2DC into next stitch, 1DC into next stitch*, repeat all around, join (36DC)
R4    CH3, 1DC in next 4 stitches, 2DC in next, *DC in next 5 stitches, 2DC in next*, repeat all around, join (42DC)
R5-8    CH3, DC in each stitch around, join (42DC)
Cut yarn and fasten off.



Count 10 stitches to the right of the last stitch and insert yarn. CH3, DC into next 21 stitches, CH3 and turn. DC in each stitch across, but skip the last stitch. (20DC). Continue in this manner, reducing one stitch per row until there’s only 3 stitches left. Cut yarn and fasten all ends.

Attach blue yarn to the edge. I did that near the tip of the tail. Single Crochet all the way around, join with first SC. Cut yarn and weave in the ends.


Dorsal Plates

I made the plates in three sizes. 6 large, 1 medium and 2 small. Use the blue edging yarn.

dexter6 Large Plate:
Magic Circle, CH3
R1    3DC, TC (Treble  Crochet), 4DC into circle, pull closed and TURN!
R2    CH1, SC in next 3 stitches, 2HDC (Half Double Crochet) in next, 3DC in next, 2HDC in next, SC in next 3 stitches, cut yarn leaving enough for sewing the plate in place. Weave in the beginning yarn end.

Medium Plate:
Magic Circle, CH2
R1    2HDC, DC, 3HDC into circle, pull closed and TURN!
R2    CH1, SC in next 2 stitches, 2HDC in next, 3DC in next, 2HDC in next, SC in last 2 stitches, cut yarn leaving enough for sewing the plate in place. Weave in the beginning yarn end.

Small Plate:
Do just the first row of the Large Plate.

Flatten the hat/cape and place the plates evenly along the “spine”. Pin. Sew in place with small stitches.


Do take baby photos when the baby is less than two weeks old! Our baby Dexter is now almost 4 weeks and he does not like to pose. When we remove his clothes, he wakes up and becomes a ninja!

~ Marina

Update: This pattern is now also available in Swedish and Finnish! 


75 responses to “Crochet Pattern: Baby’s Dino Hat with Cape”

  1. Ronni Walters Avatar
    Ronni Walters

    what do you mean by Magic circle to start…Thanks, Ronni

    1. Marina Avatar

      A Magic Circle is a loop you can pull tight after you made the crochet stitches around it. Here’s a good video by Crochet Geek showing how to do it …

  2. Kelly Avatar

    I just finished the first section, about to start the “cape” section….It doesn’t look long enough. Like, it wouldn’t cover enough head. lol Maybe I am being crazy and just cant imagine a newborn head at the moment…or do you think I missed a row??

  3. Kelly Avatar

    Ahhh! Nevermind! I see that row 5 is row5-8!! Im missing like 3 rows. Solves that!!!! Thanks for this pattern!

    1. Marina Avatar

      Hi Kelly, I’m glad you figured that one out! Hope it became the proper size! =)

      1. Kelly Avatar

        It’s adorable!!! Giving to my SIL tomorrow at her baby shower. Can’t wait to see my nephew in a picture like the one you have up. So cute

  4. Kristi Avatar

    Are the * meaning repeat?

    1. Marina Avatar

      Hi Kristi! Yes, repeat all the stitches mentioned between the asteriks (*) symbols. For example, on row3 you make 2DC in every other stitch all the way around. =)

  5. Avatar

    Thank-you so much for this pattern I can’t wait to make it!!

  6. […] I’ve seen all these very similar “dragon” or “dino” photo props circling around the Internet lately. I’ve always thought they were super, super cute and yet didn’t know how making it for my sister would be a functional option. Then when my wonderful artist friend Gavy (check out her website here if interested to see her amazing sculptures) sent me a pin of one, I thought…why not? It’s just too cute to pass up! So I looked for a free pattern and found one within a few minutes. The pattern can be found here: Baby’s Dino Hat and Cape. […]

  7. […] up is a ‘dino hat’ by a customer & blog reader called Sarah. She has only just learnt to crochet and these are her […]

  8. Ami Avatar

    Thank you so much for this pattern very easy to follow, I love it.

  9. kayla Avatar

    Thanks so much for the so simple pattern for this. Very easy and fast.

  10. jessie Avatar

    On the large plate do u 3dc, tc into the loop also?

    1. Marina Avatar

      Yes. All the stitches on Row 1 go into the magic circle (loop).

  11. lisa Avatar
    lisa you think by using Red Heart yarn it would come out the same size? 🙂

    1. Marina Avatar

      You have to make a swatch to see what gauge it would be. Try with double yarn and a G hook. If your gauge is way off, try another hook.
      Or you can add more stitches after Round 5, and maybe add a Round 6.
      With just one strand of yarn the pattern changes. Try finding a pattern for a hat for that yarn, then add the cape starting with half the amount of your hat’s total stitches.
      Hope this helps!

  12. Christina Avatar

    i’d like to make this for a 4 month old, will the size be good?

    1. Marina Avatar

      For a 4 month old you need to make the hat bigger. A 16″ circumference is considered the size for a 3-6 month old.
      I do not know exactly how big this hat would be if you add one more round of increasing, but do try.
      After round 4, make a round 4b by *DC in next 6 stitches, 2DC in next*, repeat all around, join. Then continue with rounds 5-8, the add one more round, if not two, to make the hat taller (with 4b you already added one extra round to the height).
      Make the cape as instructed here. The slight increase in the width and height of the hat won’t affect the cape. I think. If you feel the cape could be a bit wider and longer, then add two or four stitches to the first row..
      Hope this helps! Let me know how it turns out!

  13. mawika Avatar


    Jos nyt oikein ymmärsin, että osaat myös suomea ja kääntäisit tekstisi suomeksi? Oisko tän ohjetta mahollista saada pian? Rakastuin tähän ja olen niin huono englannissa!

    ~Laskettu aika 26.1 ja tahon tämmösen pikkuselle <3

    1. Marina Avatar

      Yes! Olen suomenruotsalainen ja hallitsen molemmat kotimaiset, vaikka hieman ruostunut toi suomen kieli … =P
      Tämä ohje on jo puoliksi käännetty. Nyt kun tiedän että on tarvetta, laitan sen käännöksen täytyy-tehdä listan alkuun!
      Odottaessasi käännöstä hanki sopiva lanka ja koukku nro 4 mm. Lanka on paksuhko puuvilla lanka. En tiedä minkälaista puuvilla lankaa Suomessa löytyy, mutta voit myös käyttää ohuempaa lankaa tuplana … Fantasy Naturale lanka on paksuudeltaan kuin Seitsemän Veljestä tuplana.

      Lähetä sähköposti osoitteesi minulle, niin lähetän sinulle tiedon kun käännös on valmis!
      Kiitos! =)

      1. Marina Avatar

        Ooops, enpäs ajatellut. Minulla on jo sinun sähköpostiosoitteesi!

  14. mawika Avatar

    Ihanaa!! Kiitos tuhannesti!! Oottelen innolla 🙂

    1. Marina Avatar

      Fantasy Naturale lankaa voi tilata netissä.
      Värit ovat Lime ja Blue.———FANTASY-NATURALE-YARN.htm lähettää myös Suomeen!

      Tämä lanka on tosi kiva, korkealuokkainen, pehmeä puuvillalanka. Suosittelen!

  15. Marina Avatar
    Marina sells Fantasy Naturale yarn online, shipping anywhere.
    I used colors Lime and Blue.———FANTASY-NATURALE-YARN.htm

  16. […] I would make one for my boss for when her daughter is born. I did a quick google search and found this blog that had a simple pattern to make a dinosaur hat. I surprised myself and finished this in less than […]

  17. Susie Avatar

    Love it! Thanks so much for the pattern. It turned out great!

    1. Marina Avatar

      YAY! =)

  18. […] Click here for the English version of this pattern. […]

  19. Marina Avatar

    Tämä ohje on nyt käännetty suomeksi!
    Detta mönster är nu översatt till svenska!

  20. […] a message by a mother in Spain who wrote about a dragon hat she made for her daughter, using the Snovej dino/dragon hat pattern. Her daughter needed an outfit for a carnival, and she refused to be a princess. She wanted to be […]

  21. Dayna Mcveagh Avatar

    i followed the exact pattern and same hook size and mine looks more like the siz of a doll

    1. Marina Avatar

      It is small. It’s meant for a newborn. Measure yours, mine has a 14″ circumference.
      What yarn did you use?

      1. Dayna Mcveagh Avatar

        i used 8 ply, not sure of brand, im in new zealand

      2. Dayna Mcveagh Avatar

        when flattened, how long should it be accross for it to be the size of a newborn head? im new to crochet and having trouble trying to figure these things out

        1. Marina Avatar

          You would need 10 ply yarn! That is the problem. Worsted weight, Aran, or 10 ply. This is chunkier than 8 ply, which makes smaller stitches. And a smaller hat.
          Maybe you could try using two strands of your yarn? You want the yarn to be chunky for this pattern, especially for the dorsal plates. They won’t stand up otherwise. (made of finer yarn, they would need to be doubled and stitched together).

          The hat can be made with finer yarn, but then the stitch amount needs to be recalculated, as well as the amount of rounds.
          When you lay the hat flat, it should be a bit bigger than 7″ at its widest part. The best way to measure is to use a tape measure and measure all the way around the hat. If you don’t have one, use string, then measure the string against a flat measurer.

          Hope this will help you out. Sorry about having to start all over. Good thing it’s such a small project.

  22. Joan Avatar

    I am new to this whole world of crochet/yarn when you say 10 ply yarn do you mean a 4 worsted or 5? Bulky or medium?

    1. Marina Avatar

      The Fantasy Naturale yarn I used is a 10 ply Aran weight, or heavy worsted, which would be a category 4 worsted. Somewhere between bulky and medium.
      Here’s a link to the maker’s page:
      or here:———FANTASY-NATURALE-YARN.htm

  23. Nicky Avatar

    Hello Marina,

    For the plates you say Magic Circle, but with how many stitches do you start in making the Magic Circle? Just 2 for the medium plate and 3 for the large?
    I mean, you start making the Magic Circle and chain one, and then just the 3 or 2 stitches? (Sorry if this doesnt make sense)

    1. Marina Avatar

      You make the Magic Circle, chain one, then make the stitches on Row 1 into the circle. Around the yarn of the circle. As in the first two photos in this tutorial:

      Hope this helps!

  24. Katie Avatar

    Thank you so much for this pattern. I absolutely love it. I used bright green for the hat and made the dorsal plates in rainbow colors 🙂

    1. Marina Avatar

      Rainbow colors sounds fun! What a great idea! =)

  25. Kristin Maki Avatar

    When making the tail, you say skip a stitch at the beginning of each row. Well now I am coming up with big gaps all along the edge of my tail where I skipped the stitch. Your picture doesnt have the gaps. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Marina Avatar

      My bad. Don’t skip the first stitch, skip the LAST (the chain 3)! I have corrected the text now. Sorry, my excuse is that just 18 months ago I was still a newbie at pattern writing … =P

  26. Maci Billiot Avatar

    This came out beautiful! My sister-in-law is so excited and this is my first pattern successfully reading on my own. Thank you so much! Possibly making more for many more babies!

    1. Marina Avatar

      That’s great! =D

  27. Geraldine Handa Avatar
    Geraldine Handa

    Hi Marina,
    I came across with this pattern of yours and it’s easy. I did try to make this and I just finished and take picture of it without the baby. But I will try to used this with the baby and my friend great granddaughter just had a baby and I asked her that I will take photo shoots on her baby and she wanted the dinosaur and I found your pattern. I knit and crochet for the most of my life and I noticed you had etsy shop , me too, but I don’t sell my pattern yet!..

    1. Marina Avatar

      I’m sure you’ll get cute baby photos! =)

  28. nikki Avatar

    do you count the chain 3 as a double crochet or not?

    1. Marina Avatar

      Yes, the chain 3 is counted as a dc. =)

  29. amy Avatar

    I used worsted weight and a size g hook and it came out Boyds bear head sized 🙁 (I tried it out) I ended up redoing with a size k hook and I think it might fit now… The cape still seems small though.

    1. Marina Avatar

      The hat needs to have a 14″ circumference and the cape should be about 11″ long. The yarn I used, Fantasy Naturale, is a firm, almost cord like, cotton yarn. The crocheted fabric doesn’t stretch much. A softer yarn makes tighter stitches (that’s one reason why your hat got smaller) but it will also stretch more. Hope it works out! =)

  30. Ashley Avatar

    Im a little confused about moving from the magic circle into row one. Do you formean the circle, chain 3, then start your double crochet? Or is it just one chain to set the magic circle before starting the double crochet?

    1. Marina Avatar

      You form the magic circle and chain three. The chains will automatically “set” the circle. Next stitch is a double crochet around the circle. The ch3 is counted as the first dc.

  31. Jenny Avatar

    Thank you for the easy to understand pattern. I was able to crochet the pieces within the hour.

    1. Marina Avatar

      I’m glad to hear that! Thank you! 🙂

  32. Jax Avatar

    Thank you so much for this pattern it is brilliant!

  33. Debra Higgs Avatar

    What color of green did you use on the Dino ha

    1. Marina Avatar

      The green color is called Lime and the blue is just simply Blue. =)

  34. Jeanette Avatar

    I had so much fun doing this project. It definetly resorted my cro-jo

  35. Brittney Avatar

    This is an amazing pattern!!! I’m only 15 and have been crocheting for two years but loved this pattern and it turned out so cute. My whole family thinks they’re adorable 🙂 so far I’ve mad three in all different colors and sizes and all are supper cute.

  36. Lori lee Avatar
    Lori lee

    Do you have a pattern for a knitted version.

    1. Marina Avatar

      Sorry, I don’t.
      I would either start at the top of the beanie, going in the round with double pointed needles, adding stitches until it would be big enough, then do the sides without increasing. When the beanie is big enough, I’d bind off half of the stitches. With the rest I’d continue making the long triangle shaped cape.
      Or, I’d start at the tip of the cape, increasing every other row or so, until it would be about 11″ long and 7″ wide. Then I’d double the amount of stitches and knit in the round with dpn, to make the beanie.
      Depending on the yarn I’d make the dorsal plates either as pointy cups to be flattened, and thus double sided, or I’d knit pointy triangles if the yarn is chunky and firm enough to make a single layer stiff enough to stand up.
      The edges would need to be crocheted.
      This is not much help, but the best I can do now. Hope it helps!

  37. Barbara Harris Avatar
    Barbara Harris

    Marina, I love this pattern, it’s oh so cute. I would love to make this item to sell. Do you have any objections regarding this pattern or any other pattern that you post.

    1. Marina Avatar

      Thank you! Yes, you may make these capes according to my pattern and sell them on a small scale. However! You may not sell the pattern!
      Have fun!

  38. Jessi Avatar

    I have been looking for a pattern like this! This is perfect! Thank you!

  39. chelsea cole Avatar
    chelsea cole

    I understand the hat should be 14” around but how many inches from top to the start of the cape?

    1. Marina Avatar

      Good question! My bad, should have mentioned that! It’s about 4 1/2 inches (11 cm) from top to last round before you start the cape.

  40. Ramona Avatar

    Is there a way to download this pattern? Thank you

  41. Stefanie Avatar

    Hi! How many stitches are on each side of the cape? Mine keeps curling and I can’t figure it out. Thank you!

  42. pat Avatar

    do you have a pattern for an older child like 3

    1. Marina Avatar

      No, not now, I’m sorry.

  43. Sharon Rodriguez Avatar
    Sharon Rodriguez

    Thank you so much, very easy to follow.

  44. Danielle Steenekamp Avatar
    Danielle Steenekamp

    Love this! Just finished one for someone’s fotoshoot props!

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