Tutorial: Newspaper Wreath Base

How to make a wreath base from newspaper

The other day I wanted to make a wreath. But I had no straw wreath for the base! What to do?

That’s when I saw the stack of newspapers on the kitchen table!

This is how I made my wreath base from newspaper. It was really easy and quick to do.

To make one yourself, first decide how big of a wreath you want, then lay out newspapers to the length of the circumference of the imaginary wreath. Make sure to overlap the layers.


Tape together, then roll up the paper as tightly as you can.


Carefully bend the tube into a U shape.


Bring the ends of the paper roll together. Tape. Shape the wreath into a circle.


Cut newspaper pages into strips, about 1 to 1½” wide. Using 3 to 4 strips at a time, tape one end to the wreath and wrap the stripe tightly around the tube of newspaper. Tape the end. Repeat!


Add layers of  strips until you’re satisfied with the sturdiness of it. As you add more paper strips, keep checking and adjusting the shape of the wreath.

Now you have the base for your wreath. Go cover it with whatever you like. Or even keep it as it is!

My wreath is not all perfectly round, but it doesn’t matter. I’m going to cover it with burlap … 🙂

Happy Crafting!
~ Marina


6 responses to “Tutorial: Newspaper Wreath Base”

  1. LoveGem1 Avatar

    Very neat and clever! Love your creative mind. I will definitely make one of these. Thank you..

  2. Kerstin Avatar

    Great Idea 🙂 I have to try it.

  3. Maria Avatar

    I tried and worked very well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Marina Avatar

      Thank you! I like making the wreath myself and get a size I want. I’m now using this method for a few Christmas wreaths … =)

  4. Joan green Avatar
    Joan green

    Thank you marina just what I need

  5. […] a Wreath out of Newspaper: No need to buy a wreath base when you have newspaper laying around. You could then decorate your wreath with newspaper […]

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