Tasseled paper roll present



If you ever need a special last-minute gift, stocking stuffer, party favor, or even just a crafty activity – toilet paper, paper towel, and even gift paper tubes are there to save the day. The tasseled paper roll gift wrap is a staple in our family. We always make a bunch for Christmas, but often also for other times of the year. They’re fun and easy to make …

These paper roll presents are much like party crackers, except there’s no cracker in them. In Swedish we call them Smällkarameller, but then again, they seldom include the “smäll”, which is the cracker. The cracker is a special part that makes a cracking sound when the package is pulled apart.




You’ll need:

  • Cardboard tube from toilet paper roll, paper towel roll or a really long tube from a gift wrap roll
  • Two silk papers for the tassels at the ends ( or copy paper, napkins, newspaper)
  • Ribbon, cord, raffia or something else to tie off the ends
  • Paper or fabric to cover the roll
  • Optional: decorative picture
  • Optional: name tag, other hanging decor
  • Optional: Rotary cutter, ruler
  • Candy or small gift
  • Scissors and tape



First, take your silk paper for the ends and fold it in half.  Draw a line about 2″ from the fold.



I used a ruler and a rotary cutter to cut even stripes up to the line, but you can use scissors, too. Don’t cut past the line! You want to leave the fold intact. You can save time by cutting both silk papers at once, just fold them together.



When your silk paper is all cut up, it’s time to attach it to your tube! Take whatever paper tube you’re using, and tape the folded end of one sheet of the cut silk paper to the tube as seen in the photo. Roll the tube over the paper so that the paper covers the tube. Secure the end with tape. Repeat for the other side.




Now it’s time to cover your tube! I used red and white striped paper for a Christmassy look. You can use any paper, or even fabric. Measure the length of your tube, then cut a piece that’s about 2 inches wider, and about 2 inches longer than what’s needed to go around the tube.

For nice looking edges, fold the side edges, then the top edge. Tape the unfolded edge to the tube and roll the paper onto it. Secure with tape, or a decorative sticker.



Next, take a piece of ribbon, or whatever you’re using to fasten the ends. Tie off one end around the tassel as close to the tube as possible. If you want to make a bow, make sure to use a long piece of ribbon.



Once one end is tied, turn the tube with the other end up, clear the opening from the tassel and fill it with candy or other small gifts. Longer tubes are perfect for papers or magazines. Once I subscribed to a magazine for Anna as a Christmas present, but the first issue hadn’t arrived yet. I printed out the receipt and put it in a tube filled with candy! She loved the surprise!



Straighten out the tassel and tie it like you did the first one. You can add a long piece of ribbon going from one end of the tube to the other in order to hang it up.

Voila, simple! A perfect last minute gift, and great for any occasion!


This tutorial uses Christmas colors and it’s clearly a Christmas gift. By choosing colors, pictures, and add-ons, you can make it fit any theme!

When I arrived at Maria’s on Wednesday I saw these by the door!



~ Marina


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