Freeform Crochet Basics: The Spiral

Freeform crochet basics: the spiralBack in October I introduced you all to freeform crochet. Since then I’ve had a lot of fun exploring freeform techniques. Starting today I’m going to walk you through a few simple stitches and techniques to get you started in your own freeform crochet projects.

We’ll be starting off with the spiral. A spiral is made by crocheting in the round in a continuous way without joining the separate rounds with a slip stitch. The beginning can be made in various ways, crocheting in the first chain or making a magic circle being the most usual techniques.

The method used for inserting the hook adds to the look of the spiral, too. We’ll be going through all the techniques to make these different looks in this series, so don’t worry. 😉

For now we’re focusing on the purple spiral in the top left corner (above). It’s made with normal double crochet.

The Double Crochet Spiral

Chain 2.

Freeform crochet spiral

Into the first chain, make 2 single crochet …

Freeform crochet spiral

2 half double crochet …

Freeform crochet spiral

and 8 double crochet.

Freeform crochet spiral

Mark the last stitch with a marker or a thread. This is the last stitch of the first round.

Freeform crochet spiral

Do not join the first and last stitch of the first round, but continue by making the next double crochet into the first single crochet. Double crochet again in the same stitch.

Freeform crochet spiral

2 double crochet into each stitch all the way round (24 stitches).

Freeform crochet spiral

1 double crochet in the next stitch, 2 double crochet in the next stitch. Continue this way all around (36 stitches).

Freeform crochet spiral

And there you have it! One double crochet spiral.

In the next post of this series I’ll show you how to make a two-color spiral. Until then, be sure to read my first freeform crochet post to learn more!

~ Marina

Related posts:

– Freeform Crochet Part 1

– Freeform Crochet Basics: The Two Color Spiral

– Freeform Crochet Basics Part 4

– Freeform Crochet Basics 4b: Bigger Spirals

– Freeform Crochet Basics, Part 5. The Nautilus Shell

– Freeform Crochet Spiral Scrumble

– Freeform Crochet: Single Crochet Spiral

– Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet

– Freeform Crochet World Let’s meet on Facebook!

More Crochet Patterns:

Snovej Crochet


41 responses to “Freeform Crochet Basics: The Spiral”

  1. Helen Avatar

    Thankyou for showing me how to do spiral crochet. I am totally adicted to knitting and crocheting. I am also a bright colour addict as well . Regards Helen .
    Perth Western Australia .

    1. Marina Avatar

      Thank you, Helen! I’m working on more crochet tutorials for Freeform Crochet. The next one is coming soon … =)

      1. Christine Spain Avatar
        Christine Spain

        Why would my blanket start taking a wave as I do it

  2. julie paul Avatar
    julie paul

    Thank you for sharing…..will start immediately.

    1. Marina Avatar

      You’re welcome, Julie! Glad to be of service … =)

  3. […] a spiral according to the tutorial Freeform Crochet Basics: The Spiral. Mark the last stitch you made so you know where the round […]

  4. […] heart pattern is based on my spiral pattern that you can see here. In this heart I’ve used front post stitches to accentuate the spiral, and a single crochet row […]

  5. Amy Avatar

    Your tutorial was my first foray into freeform crochet. Thanks.

  6. Marina Avatar

    You’re welcome!
    You do know it’s highly addictive … =D

  7. Joanne Blatchford Avatar

    Thanks for the tutorial, I have just discovered free form crochet and am completely inspired by it. Your tutorial is easy to follow, even for a novice like me.=D

    1. Marina Avatar

      Thank you, Joanne!
      Have you seen this post about a freeform crochet group on Facebook?

      Do join the group, it’s fun!!!

      And this is my first post about freeform

  8. Sayira Avatar

    Hi 🙂 I really love your tutorials. I have one question: in the spiral to circle section, you mention a spiral made from single crochet, rather than double. How would you start one of those? I haven’t been able to extrapolate it myself from your dc spiral tutorial. Thanks!

    1. Marina Avatar

      Start as you would crochet in the round. After the first round, DO NOT JOIN ( slip stitch, chain 1). Simply continue round two by sc in the first sc. Continue that way for as many rounds you want. Remember to increase as if you would make a normal round!
      The spiral is not very visible. To make it stand out a bit more, you can crochet in the back loops.

      This question refers to another post.

  9. Patsy Pittman Avatar
    Patsy Pittman

    can I use this in sc also?

    1. Marina Avatar

      Yes. Except the start doesn’t have to be this complicated. I wrote about the SC Spiral here

  10. […] these links to find my patterns for the two color spiral pattern that I used for the cover, the one color spiral would look awesome using the hump stitch, and so do the three or four colored spirals! I have one […]

  11. Iris Avatar

    Thanks for letting see your free crochet patterns thanks

    1. Marina Avatar

      You’re welcome! Glad you like it … =)

  12. Clare leyden Avatar
    Clare leyden

    If i want to change colour in a spiral do i join the circle to add a new colour? Or where do i add the new colour?

    1. Marina Avatar

      The idea with a spiral is to have “lines” from the center going outward in ever growing circles/spirals. If you change the color in the middle of such a “line”, it will cut the flow of that “line”. Maybe that’s what you want.
      Anyway, I would not join the spiral into a circle, but change the color anywhere on such a “line”. You can also add a color between “lines”, starting with low stitches.
      This pattern is for a one color spiral. Have you looked at the two color spiral pattern?
      Here’s more about spirals:

  13. […] skull was accomplished by doing a single color double crochet spiral with adjusting the stitches on the bottom of the skull with half-double crochet & single […]

  14. Jody K Avatar
    Jody K

    I can’t thank you enough!! I’ve seen so many projects with free form crochet and had no idea how to do it! I’ve not only bookmarked your page, but added it to the bar so that when i open a page its right there!! LOL Thank you SOOOO much for taking the time to show us!! Very appreciated!!

    1. Marina Avatar

      I appreciate your kind words. I’m glad I made you happy, you made me happy too! Thank you! 🙂

  15. Lynn H Avatar
    Lynn H

    Thank you for showing us how to do the spiral crochet. I’m so grateful for the knowledge you share! I can’t wait to look at more of your posts. You’re the best!

  16. Sherry Shelton Avatar
    Sherry Shelton

    I have heard of a ‘corkscrew’ stitch. Can you tell me how it is done?

    1. Marina Avatar

      A “corkscrew stitch” is a braiding method for making lanyards (ropes). A crocheted corkscrew is called just that, a crocheted corkscrew. There are different patterns for this, resulting in different looking corkscrews.
      You crochet a chain, turn and crochet three stitches in each chain all the way back to the beginning of the chain. The new stitches will spiral around the chain, creating the look of a corkscrew … =)

  17. Britt Avatar

    How do you finish off the spiral if you are looking to complete a circle shape?

    1. Marina Avatar

      I wrote instructions for that in another blog post:

  18. Mary rash Avatar
    Mary rash

    You may not be able to help us but my mother and I are about to give up so here goes. My mother spotted a FreeForm Scrumble crochet teddy bear called Fifi. We would like to purchase the pattern in English. Links to us to Pinterest and from there more links took us to a Russian site called LIveMaster. Site download a lot of Malware to our computer and hijack browser. I tried contacting Live Mater about buying securely but they answer froze our yahoo email. Other people said they purchased this from LiveMater using PayPal but we just couldn’t find the option and don’t want to risk more issues. If you know of any way we can purchase this pattern or something similar in English please let us know. The pattern I Fifi by Irina Iriss @LiveMaster Klass. Please be careful if you go to this site.

    Mary and Doris Rash from Wisconsin

    1. Marina Avatar

      The freeform crocheted Fifi bear is made by Irina Chudova aka Iriss. I’ve received many inquires about it. Apparently it is now translated into English. The difficult part is that it’s on sale on and the payment method is foreign to us.
      I’ve visited the site over the years and have not had problems with it. But I’ve never bought anything so can’t advice about that.
      The pattern states that it is for an advanced crocheter. If I’d like to make one (I would actually!) I’d find a bear and use it as a template, or even just cover it with crochet. The freeform scrumbles are made using spirals with bullion stitches, crab stitches, and more. Study the pictures you find online, and make your very own version of the Fifi bear!

  19. JoAnn Lecuyer Avatar
    JoAnn Lecuyer

    I am not familiar with the term “freeform crochet” What is the difference?

    1. Marina Avatar

      Read my first post about freeform crochet:

      I started a page and a group on Facebook to bring us freeformers together. We’re over 17.000 members already!

      Join us if you like to jump down the rabbit hole!

  20. Christine Spain Avatar
    Christine Spain

    Something wrong with the spiral for it to be wavy on the Outer Row?

  21. Marina Avatar

    Maybe you have too many stitches there, or maybe you’re crocheting too loosely. Try remaking the last row with either less stitches, even if you have the amount mentioned in the pattern, or to tighten the stitches.

  22. Amy Avatar

    How do you end the spiral so it is not an uneven edge??

  23. Danica Avatar

    Thank you for this. I made my first one. Going to check your next video of the two colored spiral.

  24. Olivia Avatar

    This is no help.
    This is no help to beginners.
    It needs to have more instructions.

    1. Marina Avatar

      Oh no! Sorry! How can I help?

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