Freeform Crochet Basics: The Two Color Spiral


In this series on freeform crochet basics I’m showing you different techniques to get you started.

Don’t miss out on my introduction to freeform crochet or the basic freeform crochet spiral tutorial before you continue.

Today we’re making a two-color spiral in double crochet. You can use this technique to add more colors, too!

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

With yarn A make a Magic Circle.

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

Chain 1, 1 single crochet, 1 half double crochet, 2 double crochet. Pull the loop bigger and remove the hook.

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

Attach yarn B, chain 1, 1 single crochet, 1 half double crochet, 2 double crochet.

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

Pull Magic Circle tight.

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

Continue with B, 2 double crochet into single crochet (A), hold down the loop of yarn A to keep it from getting tangled in the hook …

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

… and do 2 double crochet into next 3 stitches.

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

Pull the loop bigger and insert hook into loop of yarn A. Work 2 double crochet into single crochet (B), continue this way to the last stitch of yarn B.

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

Fasten off yarn A.

Freeform crochet two-color spiral tutorial

With yarn B work 2 double crochet into each of next 8 stitches. Fasten off.

Additional colors can be added at the beginning. Each color is worked in the same way as shown here.



Related posts:

– Freeform Crochet Part 1

– Freeform Crochet Basics: The Spiral

– Freeform Crochet Basics Part 4

– Freeform Crochet Basics 4b: Bigger Spirals

– Freeform Crochet Basics, Part 5. The Nautilus Shell

– Freeform Crochet Spiral Scrumble

– Freeform Crochet: Single Crochet Spiral

– Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet

– Freeform Crochet World Let’s meet on Facebook!

More Crochet Patterns:

Snovej Crochet




40 responses to “Freeform Crochet Basics: The Two Color Spiral”

  1. medusamudslinger46 Avatar

    Thank you so much for this detailed spiral!!! Blessings always!!!

  2. […] The two color spiral. […]

  3. Glenda Avatar

    THANK YOU!!! I was so wanting to learn this! Oh thank you so much for sharing and teaching!

    1. Marina Avatar

      Thank you, Glenda! If you’re interested in Freeform Crochet and want to learn more, do join our new page and the new group on Facebook! You can read about it here on my blog

  4. […] In my previous tutorials about Freeform Crochet I showed you how to make a spiral and how to make a spiral with two colors. […]

  5. julie paul Avatar
    julie paul

    Thank you for sharing.Made my first two coloured spiral successfully.Please share how to make use of the spirals in a praject. Thanks again.

    1. Marina Avatar

      The spiral is part of freeform crochet, where you make small pieces called scrumbles using different crochet patterns. These pieces are attached to make a big fabric for basically anything you can imagine.
      The spiral on its own can be an applique or part of a granny square on a bag or pillow or anything, or it can be made bigger to become the whole pillow or a potholder or a round table cloth … =)

  6. Nenette Avatar

    Thank you for sharing. You are very creative.

  7. Aleigh Avatar

    So I have a slight problem. I am following all of the instructions but my project won’t lay flat. It has ripples once I finish the fourth row. I want to make it big enough to make a slouchy hat.

    1. Marina Avatar

      If it has ripples you have too many sts per round.
      Are you following the instructions on my other post about making the spiral bigger?

  8. lovinlocks Avatar

    Oh em gee; this looks so difficult, LOL. I only glanced, thank goodness, so there’s hope for me. Joining, pinning, blah – blah.

    Thank you so much, Ms. Marina.

    A new freeform crocheter working on her first project

    1. Marina Avatar

      Hi Lyric! It looks difficult, but it’s not! Once you’ve made one, you’ll want to make more …
      Your freeform lace top looks good! Keep crocheting, pinning and joining! =)

  9. Susan Lynn Nicklas Avatar

    Thank you for teaching this to us! love it!

  10. muddyfeet Avatar

    Thank you SO much. SO helpful. 🙂

  11. candau Avatar

    merci pour cette explication claire et en français comprehensible

  12. debijojo Avatar

    OH MY GOSH – finally a SPIRAL pattern I can understand! My ADD Self has such a hard time reading patterns… but THIS is totally understandable! YOU SO MUCH!

  13. Nancy Toner Avatar
    Nancy Toner

    Lol was looking for inspiration, and found you again, just browsing images, and liked your style, didn’t know it was you, Marina!

  14. […] these links to find my patterns for the two color spiral pattern that I used for the cover, the one color spiral would look awesome using the hump stitch, and so […]

  15. mireille Avatar

    Bravo et merci, thank you, où est la traduction française,please ? M

    1. Marina Avatar

      Merci! Je suis désolé, mais je sais seulement un peu de français. Pas assez pour traduire …

  16. spin Avatar

    If you are working a 3 colour spiral can you explain the beginning bit? In a two colour Spiral you carry on with Colour B so in a 3 colour one do you carry on with Colour C all the way round to Colour A or do you stop when you reach B? Lol! I hope that makes sense. Please if you can help I would be very grateful! Thank you for ur excellent explanation 🙂 x

    1. Marina Avatar

      The third color is worked with the same amount of stitches as the other two. I wrote about it here:


  17. Brocélyande Avatar

    Thank you so much Je suis Française. It’s excelleent this spiral!

    1. Marina Avatar

      Merci! 🙂

  18. Irene Starr Avatar

    Hi 🙂 I have just began to make a blanket in a free form style so your spirals etc have come in handy, thanks so much for your clear instructions! I have also asked to join your fb group, looking forward to catching up with you there soon, thanks, Irene

    1. Marina Avatar

      Welcome to the group! Hope you will post photos of your blanket there … =D

  19. Wanda Moosejaw Avatar
    Wanda Moosejaw

    I was wondering how to turn the two color spiral into a granny square so i can make a blanket. Do yiu know how to do this?

    1. Marina Avatar

      First you can turn the spiral into a circle. Here’s how:

      Then count your stitches and divide them in four parts to determine how many stitches there will be between the corners. Make taller stitches in the corners, as well as 3 sts plus 3 chain plus 3 sts in the corner stitch.

      Hope this helps you to figure it out! =)

  20. Erika Avatar

    Hi, just wanted to say how happy I was with this tutorial. I am making mine into a throw. I did have some trouble though when I started increasing it wouldn’t lay flat. There were ripples all over the place. I played around with it and learned that adding a row with one dc in each stitch (no increase) after three rows of increases solved this problem. Moving along with it and very pleased with the results. Thanks again.

  21. Ada Mae Avatar
    Ada Mae

    exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much

  22. Tia Avatar

    Thank you spoon much!!! I’ve been stumped for ages on how to get this right.

  23. […] because of the swirl- I’ve explained it in colour-coded text, but if you need a visual aid, provides a wonderful photo tutorial upon which I made modifications. Patterns […]

  24. Susan Avatar

    I’m new to freeform crochet. When I looked at these I thought it would be so complicated. You broke it down into easy to follow steps and made it easy. Thank you so much!

  25. […] komt geen eind aan. Bovendien is het super leuk om te haken. Een duidelijke uitleg (Engels) vind je hier. Het hoedje is gehaakt met Royal van […]

  26. lori craven Avatar

    Thank you for the detailed tutorial. To make the spirals bigger what is the best way to do so?

  27. Noëlle Avatar

    Thank you, Marina! This is so clear!

  28. Helen Blank Avatar
    Helen Blank

    Do you have a spiral hat pattern?

    1. Marina Avatar

      Sorry, no, I don’t have one.

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