Freeform Crochet Basics Part 4


In my previous tutorials about Freeform Crochet I showed you how to make a spiral and how to make a spiral with two colors.

Here’s a few more ideas for making spirals.

Spiral to circle

This is how you can make the spiral into a circle by tapering the end:

Start by crocheting a spiral. When it is as big as you want it, start tapering this way:

Make 3 half double crochet, 3 single crochet, and a slip stitch, into the stitches of the previous round. This brings the level down to meet the previous round and the spiral shape turns into a circle.


You can make the end shorter too by making just 2 HDC, 2 SC and a SL ST.

If your spiral is made of only single crochet stitches, then you taper off with a few slip stitches until the shape is round enough.

Update: How to make a single crochet spiral!


Extra Relief Spiral


You can add an additional spiral shape to your spiral. It’s easy and effortless. Just make all the stitches into the back loop of the previous round as seen in the picture below. That’s how I made the red spiral in the picture above.

The Three Color Spiral


First follow the directions for the Two Color Spiral.

Here’s a quick recap:

With yarn A make a Magic Circle. Work 1 chain, 1 single crochet, 1 half double crochet, 2 double crochet into circle. Attach yarn B and work the same stitches as with yarn A.


For the three colored spiral you attach the third yarn C and repeat the same stitches.


Return hook to yarn A, work 2 double crochet into next 4 stitches. Repeat with yarn B and C.


Return hook to yarn A and work *1 double crochet in the next stitch, 2 double crochet into next*, repeat from * to * four times. Make one more double crochet. That makes 13 double crochet from the first single double crochet. You can of course add more, but be mindful of the increases. As you make more rounds, make less increases per round.

Fasten off. Do the same with yarn B and then yarn D


The Four Color Spiral

Do it as you did the Three Color Spiral, but add a fourth yarn and work it the same way as the others.

Be mindful of the yarns. With four beginning tails, four yarns, and three empty loops, you could easily get all tangled up!

If you want to add a fifth or sixth color, you should not make any increases in the beginning. It gets too crowded, and you will end up with a messed up hyperbolic plane! (I will talk about hyperbolic planes in Part 6)


In case you would like to try to make an Eight Color Spiral, there’s an excellent tutorial by Laura on her blog the crochet case.


In Part 5 I’ll show you how to make a pretty Nautilus Shell!


What would you make with these spirals?


~ Marina

Related posts:

– Freeform Crochet Part 1

– Freeform Crochet Basics: The Spiral

– Freeform Crochet Basics: The Two Color Spiral

– Freeform Crochet Basics 4b: Bigger Spirals

– Freeform Crochet Basics, Part 5. The Nautilus Shell

– Freeform Crochet Spiral Scrumble

– Freeform Crochet: Single Crochet Spiral

– Hump Stitch in Freeform Crochet

– Freeform Crochet World Let’s meet on Facebook!

More Crochet Patterns:

Snovej Crochet


8 responses to “Freeform Crochet Basics Part 4”

  1. Bradly Wilkerson Avatar

    Sometimes, especially when you’re working with bulky yarn or a larger than usual hook, the turning chain on a double crochet row leaves a gap at the beginning of the row. To get a neater edge, try chaining 2 instead of 3 stitches for the turning chain.

  2. felinehcg Avatar

    What shall I do when my crocheting is making “waves”???

    1. Marina Avatar

      Oh, no! Make a ruffle?
      Just kidding. When it makes waves, it means there’s too much increase going on. If you have followed my instructions this should not happen!

      It could also be because the work is pulling itself together instead of going outward to be as big as it could be. In that case version A normally fixes the problem.

      Depending on how severe the waviness has become, you can:
      A) moisten it and lay it flat, pull and stretch to make it bigger, cover with a towel, and hand pressing it, then leaving it to dry, maybe pinning it too to retain the size
      B) as in A, but use an iron
      C) change to a bigger hook
      D) make less increases
      E) unravel a round or more, then continue with C and/or D

      Try A first! Hope it works out!!! =)

  3. […] I used for the cover, the one color spiral would look awesome using the hump stitch, and so do the three or four colored spirals! I have one three colored spiral at the right hand corner of the […]

  4. […] Forrás és további cikkek a szabadhorgolásról Snovej-től angol nyelven itt. […]

  5. Tera Emmons Avatar
    Tera Emmons

    I know this post is a bit old, but I’m still having a question.

    The pattern reads
    “Return hook to yarn A and work *1 double crochet in the next stitch, 2 double crochet into next*, repeat from * to * eight times. That makes 13 double crochet from the first single double crochet. You can of course add more, but be mindful of the increases. As you make more rounds, make less increases per round.”

    But if you repeat x8, it makes more than 13 double crochet. What am I missing?

    Thank you!

  6. Susan Veleke Avatar

    Thank you so much for these clear, easy to follow instructions. I just discovered freeform and this will certainly get me started on the right foot. I am grateful.

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