Baby Train Socks


The Train Socks are cute, fun to make, and they stay on well on little, kicking legs! They look like they have train tracks on them, but that is not why they’re called train socks. Nor do you have to ride a train in order to wear them. The name refers to a very specific train ride! And it’s a sweet story …

This year my birth country Finland celebrates 100 years of independence. During this time it has gone through a lot, from wars and poverty to rising up to excellence, ranking on top of lists of everything good! These socks are a little snippet of that amazing story!

During the war in 1940 a train came to a stop. It was announced that the tracks ahead had been bombed. It would take hours upon hours to repair them. On the train was a retired teacher, and opposite her sat a young mother with her 2 month old baby. The teacher noticed that the baby didn’t have anything warm on her feet, so she pulled out her knitting needles and started frogging her own hand knitted white cardigan. With the yarn she knitted a pair of socks for the baby while they were waiting!

True story, and the socks are still with the family today!


Use wool or wool-like yarn, soft cotton yarn works also. The finer the yarn the smaller the sock becomes without adding stitches and rounds.

5 double pointed knitting needles in a size fitting the yarn.

All three are made with the same amount of stitches and rounds, but with different yarns and needles.
All three are made with the same amount of stitches and rounds, but with different yarns and needles.

The socks stretch! My granddaughter at age 7 months could wear them all! Now at 15 months she wears the pink ones.

Cuff and Leg:

Cast on 40 stitches. As you do the first round divide the stitches on four needles. (10 on each)

Round 1: Ribbing: knit 2, purl 2 all the way around.

Round 2: Join by continuing ribbing from needle #4 directly to needle #1. Make sure the work is not twisted!

Round 3 – 12: Continue ribbing

Rounds 13 – 16: Purl four rounds

Rounds 17 – 20: Knit four rounds

Rounds 21 -24: Purl four rounds

Rounds 25 – 36: Ribbing for 12 rounds

Repeat rounds 13 – 36



Row 1: Knit needles #1 and #2, (20 stitches) Turn, let needles #3 and #4 rest.

Row 2: Purl needles #1 and #2, turn. You can knit all 20 stitches onto one needle if you like.

Rows 3 – 12: Continue with stockinette stitch by repeating rows 1 and 2

The square:

Right leaning decrease: k2tog = knit 2 together

Left leaning decrease:

ssk = slip, slip, knit


[sl 1, k1, psso] = slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over.

Use the method you like best.

Slip 1, knit 12, ssk or [sl 1, k1, psso], turn.

Slip 1, purl 6, purl 2 together, turn, lift 1, k 6, ssk or [sl 1, k1, psso], continue in this manner until waiting side stitches are used up. (At the end of each row one more of the waiting stitches are used).


Row 1:

Knit 8, with a crochet hook pick up 6 new stitches on the side of the heel, and 1 st between the needles, (7 new stitches), transfer these stitches onto needle #1, purl stitches on needles #2 and #3, with a crochet hook pick up 1 new stitch between the needles, then pick up 6 new stitches along the side of the heel. Transfer these stitches onto needle #4, then knit 4 st from needle #1 onto needle #4. You now have 11 st on needles #4 and #1.

Row 2: knit needle #1, purl #2 and #3, knit #4

Row 3: knit 9, knit 2 together, purl #2 and #3, ssk or [sl 1, k1, psso], knit 9

You now have 10 stitches on each needle.


Row 4: knit #1, purl #2 and #3, knit #4

Rounds 5 – 8: knit

Rounds 9 – 12: knit #1, purl #2 and #3, knit #4

Rounds 13 – 16: knit

Rounds 17 – 20: knit #1, purl #2 and #3, knit #4

Round 21: knit


Needle #1: Knit 7, knit 2 together, knit 1. Needle #2: Knit 1,  ssk or [sl 1, k1, psso], knit 7. Needle #3: as on #1. Needle #4: as on #2.

Continue decreasing as on round 1. When there’s only two stitches left on each needle, cut the yarn leaving about 10 inches, pull the yarn through two stitches at a time and remove the needles as you go. Close the hole by pulling at the yarn tail and then fasten off both yarn tails.


There you have it! Happy knitting!

~ Marina

This pattern has also been translated to German and Polish. And it’s of course in Finnish too! You can find the translations on Ravelry here:


13 responses to “Baby Train Socks”

  1. Anja Bout Avatar

    Love these socks and the story about it. I have a yarn store in Holland and I have a sock workshop. I love to make your socks as an axample. Is it oke I translate your pattern and link it from my blog to yours?

  2. Carole Jones Avatar
    Carole Jones

    What weight of yarn and needle size did you use on the pink sample above?

    1. Marina Avatar

      The pink sock is about 19 cm (7 1/2 “) in length, the foot is 12 cm (4 1/2 “) and suitable for a 12-18 months old. There’s 6 sts in an inch. Sport weight (5ply) yarn, 3.5 mm needles.

  3. deb donnelly Avatar
    deb donnelly

    Thank you for this wonderful story ,I will be passing it on as I witness to others.I am going to try these for sure,have never made socks before but when I saw these I knew I had to try for my gr.nephew who has very thick chubby feet.Thankyou

  4. Heidi Avatar

    Please help. I am trying to knit the baby train socks and am stuck on the directions. I have completed the 12th heel row . Do I turn the work and begin the square on the heel? Also, when I am working the square, I am confused about what part of the pattern I I continue working until waiting sides are used up. Please help!
    Thank you. HC

    1. Marina Avatar

      Sorry you got stuck. I added more photos, the small ones, hoping they will help you out!
      After the 12th heel row you will work on the front side as the pattern says. After you ssk, you’ll have 5 stitches left. You leave those for now, and turn. Then you lift one, purl as the pattern says, purl 2 together, and you have 5 stitches left. You leave those for now and turn.
      Knit the next row and when you do the ssk again you will use one of the waiting 5 so that there’s only 4 left.
      Continue in this manner.

  5. Deborah Tipps Avatar
    Deborah Tipps

    I am stuck on the directions. The Square. It says Right Leaning Decrease. Do I do this at this point or is this just a key? Same thing for the bect line ehere it saysLeft leaning decrease. Do I do that decrease at that point?

    Also, when the pattern says to do a lift, what kind of lift should I do? Is there a video to show how to do the particular lift required?

    1. Marina Avatar

      Since publishing the pattern, I have added more photos to better explain. I do not have a video, but do a search in YouTube and you’ll get many results!
      Lift means to pick up a stitch from left needle onto right needle without knitting it.

  6. Ruby Graves Avatar
    Ruby Graves

    I heard this very moving story from a friend at our Guild = East Sussex Weavers, Spinners and Dyers in Ringmer near Lewis Sussex) and going to make them this summer. I lack confidence in knitting. Ruby

  7. Laura Avatar

    When the pattern says “lift stitch” in the USA we would call that a “slip stitch”. I’m not sure about other English speaking countries, but most patterns I see online would say ‘slip’ not lift. I’m guessing that’s probably part of the confusion for some knitters. The first time I knit these I tried a slip stitch instead because I hadn’t heard of a lift stitch and I had knit several other sock patterns for adult size socks that had similar instructions for the heel section.

    1. Marina Avatar

      Yes. You’re correct. Somehow my minds thinks that to slip a stitch means to then slip it back. Also, slip stitch is a crochet term and I am more of a crocheter than a knitter.
      I use American terminology, had to learn the UK ones, but as a child I learned these things in Swedish. To slip a stitch in Swedish is to lift it (Lyft maskan). Maybe that’s where it came from …
      Thank you!

  8. Mariane Martin Avatar
    Mariane Martin

    My Finnish grandmother taught me to knit these in 1958 just before we left Finland to live in Canada. I have knit dozens and dozens of them over the years. They are the best baby socks.

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